6 Tips to Jumpstart Your Organizing Project

We all have high hopes of becoming organized. Raise your hand if it was your top New Year’s resolution this year. Yep - I’m looking at you!

As I’ve said many times before, getting organized is a great goal and can be a massively transformative experience. However, it can be easy to get discouraged and distracted and ultimately give up on your dreams of having an Instagram-worthy pantry somewhere along the way (usually right at the start).

But, I want to give you the chance to brag to all of your friends that you followed through with this year’s resolution so I’m going to help you get psyched to start your project and actually follow through this time!


1. schedule it

Set a date and block off time on your calendar. Whether you’re going at it alone or incorporating your partner or family, choose a non-negotiable time and date to tackle your project without getting sucked into other tasks or other spaces. Pick one space or zone, commit to it, and see it through!

2. Set a Timer

If you are the type to feel overwhelmed at a lengthy task OR if you’re someone who gets easily distracted or pulled in different directions, use a timer to help! Whether it's 20 minutes or 2 hours, dedicate a chunk of time to your project without letting yourself get lost down memory lane when you find that old scarf from your great aunt. ;) Stay focused within your budgeted timeframe and you’ll be set up for success!

3. Share the Exciting News

Telling a friend or family member that you’re doing something exciting means you have less chance of backing out on yourself! Sometimes sharing the news with another person makes you that much more accountable.

4. Have a plan/goal

Before you begin, make sure you are clear with whatever your intention is for your project. Are you simply decluttering your space? Do you want to fill a box or bag to donate? Do you want clearer categories to find items more easily? Are you working towards an Instagram-able space? Don’t aimlessly open a drawer and start pulling things out. Decide your what and why so you can accomplish your true goal!

5. Create a playlist

Music makes everything more fun! Pretty much everything is better when you’re jamming to your favorite tunes. My go-to genre is Oldies!

6. Add some products

If you REALLY want to nail it, set yourself up for success with some products for the space! Make sure you take specific measurements so you know exactly what size of drawer organizers, dividers, or bins you’ll need. While it is not required, we strongly believe in products and their magical ability to create sustainable systems. (More on this topic in our FAQ Blog!) After all, products set boundaries and limits for the volume of items in any given space. So why not treat yourself to some fun organizers?

Sage Wisdom: Are your bins feeling full to their max capacity? Try the one in, one out rule! If you want to add more of a given category to an area that is already full, one item must go so that the system doesn’t overflow!


While there are countless tips I could give you for your organizing (and I do over on my Instagram!), I think these 6 steps are some of the most valuable ones to help you approach your project. So, schedule a time, get clear on your goals, set up a positive environment, and get to work!

Need an accountability friend? Comment below what space you’re hoping to get organized and we’ll reply with a helpful tip just for you!